
West Glos & Dean Forest
Motor Cycle Club

Celebrating 71 Years of Motor Cycling 1953 - 2024

September Trial at Stony Green - 15Sep2024

(ACU Western Trials Championship)

Event Index: Info, Gallery, Video, Snippets, Section Statistics.

Words: ed.

Forestry venues need extra care. Make sure you bring a clean bike and kit to avoid transferring any of the tree diseases that could be transported from other areas. Likewise, clean your bike and kit after the event before going elsewhere.


Latest: We've booked this date with the ACU and will seek all the required permissions for Stony Green. More to come.

We hope to be a Round of the ACU Western Trials championship so points will be up for grabs. Here's more info about the championship.

Click the 2023 event link on the right to see what the venue is like with a choice of videos.


In 2023 Fin Kettle could do Mike Allen's Superb Section for 1. Will many clean it this year? Pic Colin Jones



There will be more to come here.